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Welcome to our Erasmus+ Project

Eco-friendly Children

erasmus plus juan xxiii cartuja

KA210-SCH Erasmus+ Project

After the industrial revolution, the increase in fossil fuels, the decrease in forest areas and the accumulation of important greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing rapidly. It is thought that these problems will cause significant changes that will directly affect ecological systems and human life. Many climate summits are held in the world against these problems that threaten our nature. The EU, on the other hand, has prepared the Green Deal within the scope of combating this issue. Our aim with this project is to make students aware of protecting the environment from an early age for a sustainable world and to raise awareness in our students about climate change.

Our main objectives

  • To create innovator methods and techniques for teachers about protecting the environment and integrating these methods into the curriculum.
  • To examine eco-school studies and to transfer good examples to our institutions.
  • To create effective recycling systems in our institutions and creating Recycling workshops for students.
  • To increase teachers' STEAM skills in environmental education by at least 50%.
  • Creating STEAM activities for a sustainable world and to provide students with STEAM skills in environmental education.
  • Preparing environmental education materials with digital tools.
  • To enable the participants to feel the EU identity through cultural and social life and to observe the values of protecting the environment.
  • To enable our participants to know different languages and increase their foreign language skills.
  • To transfer partners' expertise to project results (eco-school, STEAM, eTwinning, etc.) and provide EU added value.

Desired results

  • New methods and techniques to be used in environmental education in schools.
  • Digital materials, for target groups for environmental education (ppt, web2tools, etc.).
  • Sustainable STEAM event videos.
  • Teacher's e-booklet to be prepared in 5 languages containing sample applications and activities.
  • A parent information booklet on combating climate change will be prepared in 5 languages.
  • Environmental education curriculum.
  • 3 environmental workshops to be held in each country with teachers, students and parents.
  • Brochures, posters, project boards.
  • Project social media accounts, creation of the website.
  • End-of-project exhibitions (recycling etc.).
  • e-Twinning project.
  • Europass mobility, Participation documents.
Our targets and results coincide with the priority of climate change and environment. The materials to be created and the works to be implemented in our project include 5 languages e-booklet that our teachers can use, the inclusion of climate-themed STEAM studies, the transnational activities of EU diversity, dimensional collaborative studies, the increase of teacher skills in environmental education, STEAM, digital studies are related to our priority.

Our target groups

The target groups we determined in our project are the following:
We want our students to raise awareness about the problem of climate change and to develop environmentalist behaviours by protecting the environment. Our students who will gain this awareness will make significant contributions to a sustainable world throughout their lives. The materials and activities we will prepare in our project will be applied to bring this awareness to the students. With our e-twinning project we will implement, we aim to enable students to interact with their peers in different countries, to carry out collaborative work and to adopt the EU identity. Refugee and disadvantaged students in our schools will also take responsibility for project work, so they will be included in our project.
Our teachers will benefit from the results of the project with post-activity meetings, workshops. With the dissemination activities, teachers will benefit from many new methods, activities and application examples that they will use in environmental education. They will increase their knowledge and skills on environmental education and have many studies that can be applied in their classrooms.
Our participants will develop their cooperation skills during the implementation of the project, their experiences will be enriched with environmental studies in the EU dimension, their professional profiles and competencies will be strengthened. In international activities, they will know many different languages, observe socio-cultural differences, and bring many different perspectives to their institutions. They will be pioneers in transferring the knowledge and skills they have gained to their institutions and different target groups.
Families are children's greatest role models. It is an important factor in the acquisition of environmental behavior by children. We aim to achieve the goals we have set by realizing parent cooperation. Efforts will be made to raise awareness of our parents on many issues such as environmental protection awareness, combating climate change, recycling, and clean consumption. Environmentalist attitudes that will be formed by our parents will contribute to the formation of these attitudes in our students, who are our priority.
In our project, education directorates, other schools, etc. institutions are among our target groups in our activities. Many institutions will benefit from the project results with our dissemination efforts and project introduction meetings. Thus, the applicability and scope of our project will increase.
Website to be opened in connection with our project, social media accounts, local media news to be made, etc. We aim to raise awareness of many people about climate change and environmental education locally and nationally and to be aware of our project work.


Our aim with this project is to make students aware of protecting the environment from an early age for a sustainable world and to raise awareness in our students about climate change.
  • To create innovator methods and techniques for teachers about protecting the environment. Integrating these methods into the curriculum.
  • To examine eco-school studies and to transfer good examples to our institutions.

Our partners

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oxford test of english juan xxiii cartuja

Oxford Test of English

The Oxford Test of English proficiency tests are certified by the University of Oxford. This means that their quality is assured by one of the leading educational institutions in the world and have been developed by Oxford University Press and a team of education and language experts.

Find out more at the Oxford Test of English website.
en co funded by the eu pantone
This project is co-financed by the European Union. The opinions and views expressed ON THIS WEBSITE AND ITS PUBLICATIONS belong solely those of Colegio Juan XXIII Cartuja and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the Spanish Service for the Internationalization of Education (SEPIE). Neither the European Union nor the National Agency SEPIE can be considered responsible for them.
Copyright © Juan XXIII Cartuja
Institución Juan XXIII Granada


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